Control your recordings with activity statuses

Dashmir Osmani
  • Updated

Who can use activity status settings to record calls 

  • Users given the permission to control their recordings via the status types 

How does it work?

With these settings you can customize your activity statuses and choose when and on which numbers you want to record calls. For instance, you can create a status called "Out of office" and choose to start the recording when someone calls you on your fixed number but not your mobile nummer. 

Customize your statuses to start recording

  • In the menu bar:
    1. Click on your avatar
    2. Click on VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    3. Click on SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Click on ADD_SQUARE.svg to create a new or expand EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg the one you want to edit
    5. Under call recording:
    6. Choose if you wish to have the same settings for all numbers and VoIP (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg )
    7. Choose if you wish to start recording on incomings calls (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg)
    8. Choose if you wish to start recording on outgoing calls (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg )
  • In the top menu:
    1. Tap your avatar
    3. Tap SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Tap ADD_SQUARE.svg  to create a new or expand EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg the one you want to edit
    5. Under call recording:
    6. Choose if you wish to have the same settings for all numbers and VoIP (Toggle on ON.svg / offOFF.svg )
    7. Choose if you wish to start recording on incomings calls (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg )
    8. Choose if you wish to start recording on outgoing calls (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg )

If you dont have access to this setting, please contact your administrator and they can give you the right permission

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