Delete call recordings

Dashmir Osmani
  • Updated

Who can delete call recordings?

Delete your own recordings

Given you have the permission, you can delete your own recordings. Follow these steps to do it. 

You can also delete several recordings with bulk actions. See the guide bellow for deleting recordings in the call log

  • Via the menu bar:
    1. Click on PHONE_1.svg
    2. Click on CLOCK.svg
    3. Click on All
    4. Click on VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg on the recording you want to delete
    5. Click on TRASH.svg
    6. Click yes

    You can not restore deleted recordings. Once deleted you will not be able to recover them.

  • Via the menu bar:
    1. Tap PHONE_1.svg
    2. Tap CLOCK.svg
    3. Tap All
    4. Tap VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg on the recording you want to delete
    5. Tap TRASH.svg
    6. Tap yes

    You can not restore deleted recordings. Once deleted you will not be able to recover them.

Delete recordings from an answer group / other user in the call log

  • From the menu bar:
    1. Click on OPERATOR.svg
    2. Click on Call logs
    3. Do your search for the recording(s)
    4. On the call you want to delete a recording:
    5. Click on VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    6. Click on TRASH.svg
    7. Click yes
    To bulk delete (Several recordings att once):
    1. Do step 1-3 above
    2. Select the calls you want to delete by clicking on CHECK_UNSELECTED.svg
    3. Under search result click VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Click on TRASH.svg
    5. Click yes

    You can not restore deleted recordings. Once deleted you will not be able to recover them.

  • From the menu bar:
    1. Tap OPERATOR.svg
    2. Tap Call logs
    3. Do your search for the recording(s)
    4. On the call you want to delete a recording:
    6. Tap TRASH.svg
    7. Click yes
    To bulk delete (Several recordings att once):
    1. Do step 1-3 above
    2. Select the calls you want to delete by tapping CHECK_UNSELECTED.svg
    3. Under search result click VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Tap TRASH.svg
    5. Tap yes

    You can not restore deleted recordings. Once deleted you will not be able to recover them.

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